German Incense Smoker: Incense Seller
This guy peddles incense just like we do. No wonder we like him! Natural and glazed finished woods with hand painted details; all the components turned and carved by hand. Remove the top half from the bottom to reveal a metal disc. Set a German incense cone on the disc, light it, blow it out, and replace the top half of the smoker. The incense smoke will have no where to go but out his mouth. This charming incense smoker is handmade by artisans of the Dregeno Company, a cooperative of woodworkers founded in 1919 in Seiffen, in the heart of Germany's Erzgebirge Mountains. About 7 1/2" tall x 3 1/2" wide x 3 1/2" deep. We'll include a box of genuine German incense with your smoker, and just like this fellow with his well-stocked trays, we sell the incense year-round, so you know you can always get more from us when you need it.
This charming fellow will be happy to keep you company all winter long, not just at Christmastime!
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