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Handmade Easter Grass from Germany

  • $600

One of our favorite things about Eastertime is finding foil wrapped chocolate eggs in the grass of an Easter basket. Our Easter grass is handmade in Germany by a small family company. It is all natural finely shredded wood wool (known also as excelsior), dyed green. Completely biodegradable (unlike that plastic cellophane stuff).

We sell this Easter Grass in 50 gram bags, which is enough to comfortably fill one of our German Splint Wood Baskets. For larger baskets, you'll want to order at least 3 or 4 bags. Perfectly safe to use with wrapped candies and other wrapped foods, but we do not recommend using it with unwrapped foods, as the green dye would probably transfer to the food.

Just as an aside, we are seeing this very same Easter grass for sale at a major retailer's website for $14 for a 25 gram bag, but this boggles us. We are giving you twice as much product for a fraction of the price. (The Ukrainian Pysanka Egg in the photo of the packaged Easter Grass is shown for scale –– it's about the size of a large egg.)



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