The Wheel of the Year, by Fiona Cook
This New York Times bestseller is an illustrated guide to nature's rhythms. If the ceremonies of the days of the year fascinate you as much as they fascinate us, you, too, will love this beautifully illustrated volume. (It's meant for young readers, but we can vouch that adults will find this book completely engaging... we sure do!)
Each spoke in The Wheel of the Year marks an important turning point: the winter and summer solstices, the spring and fall equinoxes, and the festivals of seeding, growing, and harvesting that arrive in between. In this book, you'll find a chapter each for Ostara and the Spring Equinox, Beltane and the start of summer, Midsummer and the Summer Solstice, Lúnasa and the start of fall, Mabon and the Autumn Equinox, Samhain and All Hallows' Eve (start of winter), Yule and the Winter Solstice, and Imbolc and the start of spring. Within each section, you'll find an overview of the season's holidays and their significance in cultures around the world; a sensory scavenger hunt for sights, sounds, and smells each season; ideas for seasonal altars using objects from nature; as well as themed crafts, rituals, games, and recipes.
Written by Fiona Cook, with gorgeous illustrations by Jessica Roux. 244 pages. Hardcover, 2023.
"This book is, in a word, immaculate." Kirkus Reviews
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