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Monstera Leaf Linoleum Print on Canvas Tote with Instructor Nicole Beatty July 13

  • 6500

Saturday July 13, 2024, from 11 AM to 3 PM; $65 tuition includes all materials

Perfect for beginners! You'll learn how to create a Monstera Leaf image (whether by free hand drawing or by image transfer) onto linoleum, and how to carve it using cutting tools. The linocut you make will then be used to create a print that will be transferred onto a canvas tote. You'll leave with a better understanding of linoleum printmaking, what cutting tools are used and their functions, and the steps in the process. You'll also leave with a canvas tote you've printed yourself, and a linoleum cut you can use to print on other things, too, like other fabric projects or on paper. All levels are welcome; no experience necessary.

Instructor Nicole Beatty is the founder of Sparrow & Grain, an artistry company focused on the complex joy of the handmade obect. Her work spans from hand-lettering and calligraphy to pottery, confectionary, and everything from the fine arts to everyday ornaments.

In-House at Convivio Bookworks, 1110 North G Street, Suite D, Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460



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