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Spring & Summer: Easter, Midsummer

Our new shop is open on Saturdays from 11 to 4 at 1110 North G Street in Lake Worth Beach! If you see the OPEN TODAY sign, we are open. We are also open by appointment. And come by for our inaugural BARTLEMAS WAYZGOOSE: Saturday August 24 (3 to 8 PM) & Sunday August 25 (11 AM to 5 PM). Lots of festive fun for a very bookish holiday with an odd name.

There are very few times of the year quite as universally welcome as Spring. After a long winter, the earth reawakens. It is a season of renewal and light and warmth freely given that leads us to summer and the gentle time of year. And soon, it is June, and the magic of Old Midsummer comes with St. John's Eve and the summer solstice: a  perfectly lovely time for some midsummer night's dreaming.